Want to follow along with our adventures in the comfort of your home or mobile device?  Dude… we got you!!!!  You can easily find us here:

Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/theWGUB

Twitter – https://twitter.com/WhiteGlossyUB

YouTube – http://www.youtube.com/user/theWGUBcom

and even Google+ (although we always forget about it) – 

We are also on LinkedIn if that’s your jam.

Where else can you see us?  Kind of like that slut Karen you dated back in high school, we get around.  So much that other websites are starting to feature yours truly on their very own pages.  Listed below are a few of our closest friends who were kind enough to share our stories with their family of readers.  Want to be featured on this page?  All you need to do is send us some cool stuff, let us write about it in the way that only we can, and then link back to us from your website (in your press or review section).  Then promptly tell the President and other various world leaders about us, of course.

Audyssey: South Of Martket Dock

IK MultiMedia: Amplitube for Iphone

Wrong Gear

Lost Dog iPhone 4 Case


Zeal Optics Sunglasses Review
