I won’t knock Facebook all that much. It is a cool concept. But I’m sure all of us can relate to having some people in our friends list that are, how should we say..Less then entertaining. So we put together a list of the top ten alternative web addresses that should auto-forward you to Facebook.
1. hereismycutedog.com
2. cutestoryorjoketomakeyoulaugh.com.
3. passiveaggresivecomment.com
5. Everythingiswrongwithamericaandbythewayscrewtheconstitution.com
6. crypticpostorcheckinbook.com
7. randomsarcasticcomment.com
8. Iamsharingthispostwithoutdoinganyindependentcheckingbecauseitmustbetrue.com
9. Duckfaceselfie.com
10. pictureofmyfooddon’tbejealouscauseIcanaffordsomethingotherthanmacncheese.com
And of course, please make sure to like and share this on Facebook. Ha ha!