Through the month of August, is running a $5.00 special on over a thousand albums available for download.  Appears to be quite the collection of artists available, in all genres.  Including some greatest hits collections.   There appears to be a lot of older stuff here, and a lot we have never heard of.  But that doesn’t mean it isn’t worth at least checking out right? 

If you’ve never downloaded an album from Amazon, we suggest you try it.  As much as we love Apple and Itunes, there are some advantages to using Amazon over Itunes.  For example, you get your album in MP3 format from Amazon.  To some techno nerds this is important (it is to us since we just finished converting all of our songs to MP3 format).  We feel that the quality of the download is a little better.  The audio just seems to be of higher quality.   Plus, you can still integrate them into Itunes for usage later.