The Supertydooper Bowl is only a few weeks away watchers of the pigskin warriors… and with the game of all games (literally… it is the highest rated single show of the entire year!  Something like 45% of all TV viewers are tuned in) comes the commercial line-up that will make any ad rep all moist and happy in their special place.  Beer… Web Companies with scantily dressed whoores… the best-of-the-best in the auto industry… and movies.  Movies is what we’re talking about today!

According to our amigos at The Hollywood Reporter, Superbowl XLV will be chock full of all the best damn big-screen face-melting adventures you can possibly imagine.  We’ll get first looks at scenes likely never seen before and juuuust enough of everything else to make us run out and buy our tickets in advance.  Who will we see this year?

Paramount Studios:

  • Super 8 (JJ Abram’s Alien Invasion flick)
  • Transformers: Dark of the Moon (yup… that’s part 3 people)
  • Rango (With Depp’s as the main voice)
  • Thor
  • Captain America: the First Avenger (Will this be the first official trailer sighting?)


  • Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides

Universal & Dreamworks:

  • Cowboys & Aliens

Relativity Media:

  • Limitless (The upcoming Bradley Cooper Robert De Niro thriller)

This is all we’re looking at as of today… however, a little known fact in the industry is that Superbowl ad time gets incredibly cheap (well, compared to the normal price) the week before the game, should any inventory be unsold.  Many companies wait till the bitter end and attempt to snag up a few remaining nuggets at a discount.  Look for some last-minute add-ons! 

I’m pretty freakin excited to see all of these trailers!

Thanks again to the Hollywood Reporter.