Shame, shame, shame.  Followed by sadness.  Followed by wondering if our love of Xbox Live will come into question soon.

Microsoft announced today that they are raising the costs on their Xbox Live Gold subscriptions.  If you currently pay by the year, the cost will go up to $59.99 for a year, $24.99 for 3 months, and $9.99 for 1 month. 

However, a small reprieve is in order.  Microsoft is offering you the ability to renew your yearly pass for only $39.99 (which we took advantage of) by going here.  Looks like you need to take advantage of this before November 1st. 

About the only place this hurts is for people who use Xbox Live simply for Netflix streaming.  That’s a lot of money on top of the monthly subscription.  If you are a hardcore gamer, you’ll pay the price to be able to play online.  But with more and more Netflix devices hitting the market  we wonder if this will actually end up hurting in the long run.  Espeically when you can pick up one of our favorite devices from Roku for $59.99