We teased you about this game last month and now got some very saddening news that Microsoft is pushing back the launch date of this game from Spring 2011 to the Fall of 2011.  Enter sad smiley face here.

Gears of War 3 promises to be the biggest entertainment launch of 2011. The teams at Microsoft Game Studios and Epic Games have done great work thus far readying the title for release in the Spring of 2011. However, we’ve elected to move the launch of Gears of War 3 until Fall 2011 to make it the marquee title for the holiday season.”

About the only thing that it really affects is the timing, and should just make for a better game all around.  Still, we like having things to look forward to in life.  We just have to look a little farther ahead now. 

Stay tuned for more details and for more info check here