We got a great response for the new guy’s articles… so we’re giving him another shot.  Let us know what you think.  

Board those windows…turn those deadbolts…and don’t make a sound. As we approach Halloween why not see what tasty zombie treats are here and what’s on the horizon. Unless your brains have been zombified, you’ve heard that one of scariest, well written horror series of the last decade…The Walking Dead premiered Sunday. Each week, Sunday’s new episode will be followed by The Walking Dead’s own talk show simply titled…Talking Dead. The Walking Dead is of course based on the Image comic book of the same name. You may have heard the show had some serious issues during production this year that included the firing of show runner Frank Dubont and also some deep budget cuts from AMC (allegedly to give Mad Men some more $$$$). Judging from early buzz it seems they still got it right and the show will be on par with season 1. Maybe we’ll even see the Governor this season (one of the best characters in the comic).

Other zombie projects upcoming include the Brad Pitt vehicle World War Z. Based on the Max Brooks novel, World War Z is the documentary style film that follows a UN researcher (Pitt) as he travels the globe to determine the cause of a zombie apocalypse.

Next year will also bring the long anticipated reboot of cult favorite The Evil Dead that hopefully will feature everyone’s favorite B movie star Bruce Campbell in some way shape or form (Are you listening Sam Raimi)?

Zombie fans rejoiced in 2009 with the release of Zombieland. We all loved it and were waiting for the rumored sequel simply titled Zombieland 2 (I know…very creative). Zombieland 2 was to be released next year and shot in glorious gore infested 3D, but it looks like that idea has been nixed by the geniuses at FOX and we’ll have to settle for a tamer, network TV series. Fox will be asking viewers the question…should I tune in to see less gore with no stars from the original film? We’ll hold off judgment for now and wait for the zombie project that we here at the WGUB can really sink our teeth into….the upcoming adaptation of the hit zombie video game Dead Island. How can you go wrong chasing around zombie co-eds on a tropical beach. Hopefully White Glossy will get around to reviewing the game if he can ever get his X-Box back from the pawn shop.

For other bomb-ass Zombie stuff… including how to best survive the real Zombie apocalypse (it’s simply a matter of time people!!!)… go HERE.