Alright… it’s the end of January and there’s a pretty good chance that your new outlook on life and health is starting to waver.  That awesome New Year motivation to carve up that flabby oafish shape you look at in the mirror every day is nearly gone.  You’re beginning to look more and more for that late-night snack instead of that quick late-night jog around the neighborhood.  It’s NOW officially time for that swift kick in the ass of inspiration you need. 

I mean think about it… you’re already a month into a better you!  At this pace, by Spring, you won’t be completely embarrassed to shed those winter layers from the bulky sweater/jacket look to a simple t-shirt, or even… gasp… shirtless!!!!

Starting today, and for the rest of this week we’re going to drop loads of info for all of the sweet workin-it out gear we’ve been testing.  We’ve been doing it too people… and this week we’re going to give you tools to keep on keepin on.  What gives us the right to tell you what to do?  Nothing.  We’re exactly like you guys (and girls)!  But we’ve found things that not only are working, but making the hard shit we’re all putting ourselves through easier!!!  And maybe even making the efforts show a little better.

Alright… let’s do this!!!!