In a recent interview Director of Xbox and Entertainment, Stephen McGill announced that there will be no Blu-Ray replacement drive coming for the Xbox 360.  As most of you know, the 360 utilizes the HD-DVD format that was beat out by Blu-ray a few short years ago.

While we are sure most of the gaming world will be up in arms about this news, we here at the WGUB want to throw a big “So What?” at the complainers.  Look we love the 360 as much as the next guy (probably more) but we see little-to-no use for an additional drive in the 360 that handles Blu-Ray.  True to form the 360 is a versatile gaming platform that many people have integrated as the center piece of their home entertainment systems.  Between the gaming, media center, Netflix, and HD movie rentals you can get we don’t see another piece needed in the puzzle.

Besides, for the cost of what the drive would probably cost, you could get Blu-ray player so it isn’t even a matter of cost.  The most practical application of an external Blu-ray would be for those folks with little to no inputs on their TV’s.   Still, most new TV’s come with more inputs then you can handle.

We are going to go ahead and tip our hats at Microsoft for not bending on this one.  The 360 doesn’t need a Blu-Ray drive at this time and they recognized it.