In honor of our 300th post, we thought we would give away a copy of the movie 300 on Blu-ray.  (Yeah, it’s old.  But it is convenient for our post, and a bad-ass mutha-bleepin movie.  Shut up!)  SPARTANS!!!!!!!!

By now you are for sure asking yourself, “Self… What do I have to do to win this great prize?”  We want a picture, of you with the number 300 in it.  The most inventive submission will win, and be posted for all the world to see.  You can either email it to us (, or post it on our facebook HERE)  Deadline for submissions will be 09/03/10 at midnight.  We will announce the winner shortly thereafter!

Still don’t get it… really?  Fine, here’s an example of what we’re looking for:


Got it?  Good… now get those cameras snapping people!!!