Unless you are way behind in the times, you have a digital camera.  And if you are like most people, you take the shots, maybe upload them to Facebook, and then they just sit on your hard drive for all of eternity.  Now some people have the digital frames that you can get just about everywhere.  And those are nice, but let’s take it up a notch, into the badass category. 

PhotoVu Wireless Frame

Enter the Photovu Premium Wireless frame.  This is a dream come true for anyone with a home wireless network.  That’s right folks, it is a wireless digital frame.  This baby isn’t meant to sit on your desk in your home office, it is meant to hang on your wall, in the family room.  Starting at 19 inches ($849) and 22 inches ($999), and coming in wide-screen formats.  This thing is just sickly loaded.   It comes complete with an 80g hard drive, USB port, and you can even customize the frame it goes in.  You can link it online to sites like Google™ Picasa™ and Apple® iPhoto™.   Did I mention it was wireless?  

This item, I have actually seen in person and in use.  It is digital photographer’s wet dream.  It is simplistic at its heart.  Why have tons of pictures on your walls? When you can have one frame?  For someone like myself, who hates wall clutter this is the answer.  About the only drawback I see to this is the power issue.  You would have to hide the cord somehow.  Easy enough if it is set on a table.  But if you hang it on a wall, some drilling and snaking would be involved.  Or hell, go ghetto and get one of those plastic cord covers that my parents have on their walls. 

True, the cost is a bit on the high side.   Which makes this one of those true luxury items, but for the tech nerd and the person who truly wants to show off their talent (or lack thereof) in photography, this is a sweet little toy that you will get a ton of pleasure out of.  There are so many ways to enjoy your photos these days, via the Xbox360, PS3 and other media extenders.  But why not have something that you don’t have to think about?  I’m all for that right there.