Remember back in the day, when the internet was young and pure?  Where you were more likely to get a dead link then porn when you mistyped Miss Cleo’s House of wieners into your search engine.

Recently some of our friends across the pond put together a list of some of the internet’s oldies but goodies that are actually still up and running today.  Some of the great ones are.

Internet Explorer is Evil:  F*ck Bill Gates!  At least we think this is what this page is trying to say.  We can probably guess this guy is a Firefox user these days.

The Klingon Language Institute:  Just in case you need to communicate with your goofy brother that still lives in your parent’s basement.

and of course we couldn’t forget…

Lutes, old and new: Seriously, before there was guitar hero, these guys were Lute heros.

Thanks to for the laughs.  Full story here.