Looks like retail giant Amazon.com might be getting into the streaming business to rival Netflix.  Sure, Amazon.com already offers on demand content.  But now they might be offering unlimited streaming of over 5,000 titles for free. 

Well, not entirely for free.  Rumors are that the service will be given to customers that take advantage of Amazon Prime.  Not familiar with Amazon Prime?  Let me school you then.  Amazon Prime is a $79 per year charge that you pay to Amazon to get free two-day shipping, or for a $4 upgrade per purchase you can get items overnight.   If you do a lot of online shopping (like we do) this could be a huge money/time saver if you buy a lot, especially from Amazon.

No official word on if the streaming service is really coming, but the rumors are out there (here and here).  And where there is smoke there is fire in the tech world.  We will keep you posted on any official announcements.