Can you name the next awesome band that nobody has heard of yet?  Does the idea of amazing music combined with a pure sense of rockgodery make your nipples hard?  Does $300 seem like chump change for the musical weekend of your dreams?  Then friends… Coachella is the ultimate event for you!!!  And with only 85 days left… preparations must begin!  Roll em’ if you got em’ (go HERE if you need help), start making those PB&J’s, and brush up on your indie rockers.  For a highlight of what to expect… check out Sleigh Bells – Infinity Guitars:


Oh… and we even found a bit o’ geek to get our nerdchub off.  Coachella has an official iPhone & Android App to help you navigate the event in style (Friend finder, where’s my car, interactive map, etc.).  For the entire down-low see it on their website HERE

Yesterday they officially announced the smackdown of awesomeness that will attack your earbuds… and who are we not to share: