Today was the day that Apple announced its plans for the iPad 2.  Sit down, buckle up, and put down your coffee.  This thing isn’t just a spruce up on the iPad, it is all new.   Steve Jobs made a surprise appearance to announce the new device. It will ship on March 11th.

“So what’s new?” said Jobs, who appeared at the event to a standing ovation. “It’s an all-new design.”

A quick look at some of the highlights of the new iPad 2.

  • Thinner and Lighter:  Down from 1.5 pounds to 1.3 pounds.
  • Front and Rear Cameras for video conferencing.
  • It will come in white.
  • It will have Facetime
  • 10 Hour Battery Life-Month of Standby Time
  • .34 Inches Thick (That’s thinner than an iPhone 4 folks)
  • HDMI output
  • Dual Core A5 Processors (Graphics will be 9x faster)
  • Gyroscope for position based apps
  • Thunderbolt I/O port
  • Starts at $499

This is just what we have been able to dig up as of now.  We will update you if more information comes available.