Time to stop pretending you’re working… and spend a little time blowing off steam after the 3-day drinkapalooza you’re still recuperating from.  And our recommendation for doing this?  Glad you asked!

We found (found as in were told about it by a super cool friend of the WGUB *cough* Sanuk *cough) this bitchen  site where YOU get to help pick the next big thing in style and fashion!  That’s right nerds (said lovingly, but with hangover hate), all of us at the WGUB… and yes, that means you too… are trend setters.  We are the people of this great world that know what looks lip-smacking delicious and what looks like grody dog turds all squished up on someones shoe.  We are the music makers… and we are the dreamers of dreams (to steal a line from my favorite acid-trip watching pelicula).

So… now is the time to make your voice heard!!!  Go to Krush.com click “Like” or “Dislike” to your heart’s content… and carve the world into our perfect image of what it should look like.  POWER!!!!!  Hell… they even set it up so you can “Reserve” the sweetest gear of all for yourself and get it 1st!

Not enough goodness for your hangover cure?  Okay, they are even teaming up with the companies your reviewing to get… that’s right, GET… some of their nicey nicerstein niceties all for yourself, for FREE!  Yes, it’s a contest… but it’s new… and you know about it first good buddies.  Go… RATE… and WIN!!!!!

Here’s a little of the official “About Us” from the Krushers themselves:

Welcome to KRUSH.  Can you spot the next style or product before everyone else? Friends always following your lead?  Well here’s your chance to show what you’ve got and get seriously rewarded.

Be the first to post a product or style that YOU have wanted or seen and hype it up.  When your friends (and thousands of others) like it too and start crowding around it, it can be yours. We call that “Krushin’ it!”  You can post your own picks, or rate someone else’s…even sneak a peek at your favorite brands’ future collections and add your two cents about what’s going to take off.   You’ll earn kred and free product when you predict right.  Game on…

Why should so-called “experts” tell you whats going to be huge. Get with your friends and thousands of others and decide for yourselves at KRUSH.com.