So yeah, it’s been a few years since we tuned in to see the boy of steel rip through the long ling of “meteor freaks”, escaped alien fugitives and lab-created monsters… but man, we really had some great times!  Many hours have been spent with little Clarkie Kent on the Iowa farm home and more than a normal amount of eye-groping the luscious Lois Lane (drool).  But… all good things must eventually come to an end.

After an amazing 10 YEARS on TV, Smallville will wrap-up it’s run on the CW Network (Previously WB) Friday, May 13th with a 2-hour series finale.  10 years is wildly impressive for any program blazing across the small screen… for a sci-fi comic book series… damn-near impossible!!!  Mad props to the original writers that got us hooked, and the guys who took over and didn’t screw things up too badly. 

Here’s the original opener from back in the day…


And once more from Season 10:


It’s been a great ride good buddy… we hope to see something else from you (hint hint… new Superman Series???) soon.