I will never begrudge someone whom has done well for themselves in life.   If they have had the success that their hard work has brought them, then more power to them.  But I want to call one über rich person on the carpet right now.  Why?  Not because he is rich.  But because he didn’t put his rather limitless wealth to work in a better way.

Godaddy.com CEO Bob Parsons recently took a trip to Zimbabwe.   And while on this trip, he thought he would help out a local villager by shooting a bull elephant.  The animal, was labeled by the villager as a “Trouble Animal”.  I’m not quite sure if that is an expert opinion, or simply the villager reacting to the elephant trampling some of his crops on a couple of occasions.   Was the elephant really trouble, or was the villager the one who encroached into the elephant’s habitat, I guess we will never know.  But seeing as I am a betting man, I would bet on the later in that statement.

Now I don’t begrudge the villager for making a living and trying to feed people.  More power to him.  I don’t even really begrudge Bob Parsons for going to Zimbabwe to do whatever it was he was there to do.  I assume some form of humanitarian aid.   Kudos if that is the case.

But what I do have strong issue with is the way that you, Mr. Parsons handled this situation.  Here you are, a man of extreme wealth, and not doubt smarts, and the only solution you found to this problem was to kill the elephant.   The solution of perhaps putting some of your vast fortune to work to contact a refuge that might take the elephant out of the area.  No, no, no.  You decide the best action is to just kill it.   Never mind that the elephant probably didn’t know it was being a “trouble animal” in the first place.  On the account that it is an elephant.

And as you stood over the carcass of the elephant, with the cameras rolling, I’m sure you just about blew a load in your pants with the feeling of satisfaction that you took down that elephant.  Instead of taking that moment to teach the world something.  That we don’t live in a throwaway society.  That given the chance between doing something humane and something cruel is sometimes just as easy as opening your wallet or making a few phone calls.

I’m not going to get all PETA on you.  I support hunting.  I love guns.  I’ll go down on a steak right now if there was sitting in front of me.  But there is a clear difference between hunting and what you did.  Did your brilliant display of marksmanship have any benefit other than to get your rocks off?  Doubtful.

So friends out there that currently use Godaddy.com (yours truly) for domain registration/hosting.  I ask you that if you happen to care a little bit about the animals of this planet, maybe you can make it known to Bob Parsons in a way he might understand.   Find a new hosting site.  I don’t care whom.  Maybe if his net worth takes a hit, he will think better of himself the next time he has a chance to make an impact, albeit a small one this planet of ours.

So if you want to have your stomach turned, you can catch the video here.  I refuse to post it here because we do try to limit the amount of trash we post here.