[Update 8/16/2012: our first test is complete — see Fat or Fiction for more]

When I first eyed “The 4-Hour Body” by Timothy Ferriss on the  local bookstore’s shelf, I flipped to the back cover and read the bullets.  Here’s a couple of them:

  • Lose 20 pounds in 30 days (without exercise)
  • How Tim gained 34 pounds of muscle in 28 days, without steroids, and only 4 total hours in the gym.
  • How to triple testosterone [naturally].

I quickly put the book back on the shelf.  This tabloid style malarkey is a big waste of time (or worse).  I thought that was the end of it.

Then, a couple of months ago, my brother-in-law approached me emphatically, “Have you read The 4-Hour Body?”  Thinking I knew all about it, I responded, “Not interested.”

“But have you read it,” he looked me straight in the eyes. “This guy is another Dr. Dave.  He’s done a ton of research and a ton of self-tests.  He’s just like you”  (well, he’s just like what I’d like to be).  Okay, okay, I thought, maybe I shouldn’t have literally “judged [this] book by its cover”.

So, not ready to jump on the bandwagon yet, I checked it out from the library (Yeah… those still exist) and read it almost cover-to-cover.  When I finished, I immediately bought 3 copies and gave two to friends (White Glossy being one).  And the spark was lit!

So… Dr Dave, White Glossy and a few of our friends have thrown down the gauntlet and are going to take on a few of Ferriss’ chapters.  Doing what we know how to do best… we are going to give you a true unofficial, unauthorized, un-anythinged peer review of the “The 4-Hour Body”.

Along the way, we’ll be doing product reviews of some very interesting related products.  Here’s a quick list of our “Weapons of Choice”.

  1. The 4-Hour Body by Timothy Ferriss (duh)
  2. iThlete HRV
  3. FreeLap timing system
  4. TwistLock Dumbbells
  5. Dr. Dave’s homemade squat rack
  6. Body Bands resistance bands
  7. Pavel Tsatsouline’s books and videos
  8. And anything else we feel like (or you suggest and we can get our hands on)

Are you ready to find out what happens?  So are we!!!  Let’s do this!!!