As a follow-up to my post this morning… Friday usually means awesomely insane parties, levels of drunkenness that break personal best records and the inevitable drunk-dial.  If you have an iPhone there are said to be apps for moments like this… but what about everybody else?  Well… we finally ran across an item that will make your ego and ex you call at 2am all too often much happier. 

The Cell Phone Lock Up ($16).  Give your friends, your ex (all of them), your parents and you-know-who on Facebook (who is a 4 during the day… but a 9 while drunk) get a good nights sleep for a change.  Even they need a weekend off every now and then.  Let’s face it, if you didn’t seal the deal before you got home… it’s time to go to bed.

Here’s how the peeps at The Lighter Side describe their gear:

What do you mean, my cell phone is locked up? That thing is my life!

You’ll really get ’em when you lock up their precious cell phone in this confounding wooden contraption! Watch as they flip, shake and even beg as they try to free their phone.

We include instructions for those who admit defeat.

Peace… and drink hard!