If only there were a way to magically combine these two extraordinary days into one celebratory magical item, using our favorite Whiskey (Bowen’s Whiskey) and the most fabulous dessert of all time (Cheesecake)!!!
– 165g / 5.5oz butter
– 15 digestive biscuits
– 225g / 8oz icing sugar
– 275ml /10 fl oz (½ pint) fresh whipping cream
– 450g / 1lb Philadelphia cheese
– 4 caps (bottle caps) of Bowen’s Whiskey
White and dark chocolate for decoration
Preparation method
1. Place digestive biscuits in a plastic bag and crush with a rolling pin.
2. Melt the butter and add the biscuits.
3. Put into a 23cm (9 inch) loose bottom cake tin (do not press the mixture into the tin too much or your base will be too hard). Leave in the fridge to set.
4. Beat the Philadelphia and add the icing sugar.
5. Lightly whip the cream and mix into the cheese mixture.
6. Add the Bowen’s whiskey to the cheese and cream mixture and mix well. Pour over the biscuit base. Leave at least a few hours in the fridge and decorate with grated dark and white chocolate.