So the rumor mill has been churning in over-drive over the prospect that Apple will be dropping a 2nd generation model of the most popular piece of tech to hit since the VCR.  Yes, we are talking about the iPad.  You know… that awesome thing we keep hoping will magically appear on our office desk (cough*Christmas*cough).  We haven’t said anything about it yet because 80% of the rumors we see end up dead in the water.  Well… (a legit news source) has officially dropped an article stating Apple WILL be going into production in 1st quarter for the new model iPad.

Some of the features they are saying it will have:

  • Front and Back cameras
  • Models Half the size of current iPads (ummm… isn’t that called an iPod touch?)
  • Thinner & Lighter
  • Hi-Res screen (I’m hoping for Retina Display!)

Their sources of information are apparently supply companies currently working with Apple.  How freakin stupid are you to leak apple info like this to a news source?!?!?!?!  With Apple’s reputation for cutting all ties to those with big mouths they could potentially lose millions if Apple pulls them as a manufacturer.

Either way… I’m hoping it’s true.  Facetime is a very logical next step for the iPad, and if they can pull retina display into that bigger screen.  Geekgasms all around!