We’ve all suspected…we’ve all wondered. How in the hell can two Kardashian’s (Kim & Kourtney) look like Jasmine from Disney’s Aladdin while a third (Khloe) has a stronger resemblance to Bigfoot. To the rescue is Sirius Xm’s Greg “Opie” Hughes (half of the Opie & Anthony duo). Opie followed his usual ranting this morning by offering Khloe Kardashian a quarter of a million dollars if she takes a DNA test to prove once and for all that the late Robert Kardashian is her father. If Khloe accepts, the $250,000 will be donated to a charity of her choice. How can Khloe say no…if she is who she claims she is it’s free money to a worthy cause…even if the cause is a big and tall on Rodeo Dr.