Yesterday the New York Times posted an article about the way American’s use technology… stating, using a very scientific looking chart created by Pew Research, that Cell Phones are the American public’s #1 gadget.  Extensive research, over 3,000 interviews, many many man hours & and ultra-smart people were used to factor this data.  Wonder if they new we could have told them that with a simple email (and a huge DUH!), and they could’ve just written that massive check to charity… or theWGUB!  Not to mention the salaries the New York Times spent to have this article written and repurposed for the web.  I mean seriously!

Well, as much as we hate senseless waste… we hate senseless waste that’s never seen, even more.  So, HERE is a link to the story if you have a minute or so to throw away… there are a few little nuggets of mildly interesting information on there about other gadgets as well.  Oh, and as for the super-de-duper chart… here it is: Pew Research Report