Okay… not literally sheep, but you get the idea.  The overly artsy and creative people at Improv Everywhere are up to their usual shenanigans with the mindless controlling of 3,000 willing participants through a downloaded MP3, all started at exactly the same time.  Yes, 3,000 people suddenly freezing for no apparent reason would be a bit odd, followed up with hi-5’s would be just creepy.

Curious… If they threw in “Now kiss the person next to you, then punch them in the neck” how many people would oblige?  Anyhow… call it art, call it mass hypnosis or call it a bunch of college kids with nothing else to do, just having a grand ole time… these people know how to put on a creative expression of time-wasting art.  Okay… I really do think what they do is fun to watch, and it makes my artistic side tingle a little… but it’s still just a monumental waste of time.  You be the judge: [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kVuVhcdQs0k]