Just in time for the early-Christmas shopping season (what?  you don’t do that?  Well you should!!) Nintendo is announcing a nice drop in their DSi and DSiXL models.  Effective Sept. 12th, the new suggested retail price of the Nintendo DSi system will be $149.99, while the new suggested retail price for the Nintendo DSi XL system will be $169.99… both are a $20 drop.  Not a huge discount… but it will pay for a protective case which you likely would have picked-up anyway.

According to businesswire.com

The Nintendo DSi and Nintendo DSi XL systems offer consumers access to more than 1,300 packaged games and more than 200 downloadable games. Both systems feature two built-in cameras and photo- and sound-manipulation software that provide for a more social experience. Users can wirelessly upload photos to Facebook with the touch of a button (wireless broadband Internet access required). The Nintendo DSi XL system, which features a screen that is 93 percent larger than that of the Nintendo DS Lite, comes pre-loaded with software like Brain Age Express: Math, Brain Age Express: Arts & Letters, Flipnote Studio, Photo Clock and the Nintendo DSi Browser.

Since this is a little something that Santa may, or may-not, be bringing to the Casa de WhiteGlossy this Christmas I’m pretty excited by this news (and happy I didn’t buy one about a month ago when I was at Best Buy and had it in hand!)

Thanks again to Businesswire.com