Longest….Week….Ever….Who’s with me?  Anyone?  Bueller?  Is this thing on?  Testes, one, two, three?

Anyhoo, another week down and another week of us bringing the awesomeness.  Now it’s time to knock off, have a oktoberfest, and maybe see some slutty girls in Halloween costumes.  If you play your cards right, you too can have that kind of weekend. 

Here’s a look at our top five in case you missed it, of course all of our stuff is awesome, but these five stood out this week.  As always, listed in order of greatness. 


Sanuk + Feet = Footgasm!

Netflix Streaming Only Plan Coming?

Netflix Update Today (Wii & PS3)

Yeah, We Get Around..

Something New To Do With Your Pumpkin This Year