Insert Drumroll Here…..

SANUK Apparel is here people!!!!  All of the footgasmic intensity that is spreading across this fine Nation of ours in the form of arch-tingling Sanuk yummy goodness is now available to the mass public in a delightful set of gear called “Sanuk Swag“.  You want nipple-hardening silky-soft shirts with happy little Sanuk faces on them?  Yeah, they got those!





You want Awe-Thumb Hoodies (No really, that’s what they’re called) that will not only keep you warm, but add a couple of points to your hotness game while out on the town?  Yeah, they got those (yes, those are thumb pockets)!You want a siiick 6-Panel trucker hat with the most badass clothing logo ever?  Yeah, they got that!

You want a door-mat welcoming all Sanuk fans to your Humble abode?  Yup!

You want… ah hell, you get the idea.  The stuff is awesome and abundant for all to enjoy (Men’s & Women’s styles)… so go to and check out all of their joy to the world & good cheer for all!  Go now!