Verizon has sent out all of the official invites (no… we didn’t get one) for tomorrows secret announcement.  What could it possibly be?  CES JUST ended… so it couldn’t be any kind of fancy new tech (they dropped a slew of these already).  Christmas just happened… so I seriously doubt they are slashing prices for any kind of huge shopping season.  What could they possibly be announcing that was rumored to happen right around the beginning of the year?  Hmmmmmm…….

ohhhh Yeah, the Verizon iPhone!!!!  While analysts all over the nation aren’t expecting this to be a huge success for Apple (FYI I think they’re wrong!), they are saying that this could be a huge hit to AT&T (Which I totally agree with).  I know so many people who love their iPhone but can’t stand the service.  If they are given an option to switch… WOW!  If ever there was a time for AT&T to get off their asses and get competitive with their rates and data plans… it NOW!  It hasn’t been said which iPhone will be offered, or if it’s something new all-together.  Guess we’ll find out for sure tomorrow.