Three highly anticipated movies this weekend.. It’s nice to have choices. So many, we haven’t decided to which one, so here is a preview of all of them.
The Expendables: Sly Stone and company (seriously, what an all-star cast!) get together to blow shit up and maybe save some chick or the world. That’s the usual angle on movies like this. To be honest, this looks like a renter, but it is matinée worthy for sure.
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: This movie has been getting tons of buzz, about a boy who must run the gauntlet of ex relationships to get the girl. At the end we all go ahhh, and realize why we love Micheal Cera. Of all the movies out the weekend, this one has the potential to be the best.
Eat, Pray, Love: Based on the best-selling novel….Yeah, that’s all I got. If you are trying to hook up with a chick, you are seeing this movie. Make sure to get your balls back afterwards.