Here is a look at what is hitting the shelves on Blu-Ray this week.

127 Hours: The true story that earned actor James Franco an Oscar nomination.  Seriously, if you only see one of the movies that was up for awards this year, you have to see this one. It is very inspiring.

Bambi:  Disney classic.  Don’t be a bitch and cry when Bambi’s mother gets shot.

Burlesque:  In a movie that probably would have been better if it was more “Showgirls” than “Chicago”.  I didn’t know they let men do burlesque.  Oh wait, that’s Cher.

Faster:  Dwayne Johnson and Billy Bob go for a leisurely drive.  Yeah right.  Explosions, destruction, action!  Sweetness!

Love & Other Drugs:  See the movie that centered around so many jokes about Anne Hathaway.   Let me say this, Anne Hathaway naked is no joking matter.  But the movie is good too, read our full review here.

Pirates of the Caribbean Trilogy:  I don’t know why anyone would pick up this set when they are releasing a new one this year and will probably release a four movie set just in time for the holdiays.  But if you just have to have your Johnny Depp fix (and who doesn’t) then by all means, go for it.

And now here is a quick look at the top streaming movies thanks to

  1. Daybreakers 2009
  2. Please Give 2010
  3. The Verdict 1982
  4. Gun Shy 2000
  5. Hellboy 2004
  6. Good 2008
  7. Strange Days 1995
  8. Fish Tank 2009
  9. Happy Gilmore 1996
  10. Roast of William Shatner: Uncensored