1,000 Posts have come and gone… and a baker’s dozen of you dropped words that made Eggshell, PaysteeWhite and I melt with gushy affection.  You love us…. sniff… you really love us!!!  If this is the first time you’ve ever joined us… where the hell have you been?!?!  Do you know how late you are!!!  Anyway… go HERE to catch up (and try to keep up this time).

For everyone else… thank you so much for stopping by to check out the goods, a special thanks to those of you who added your 2 cents to the mix, and a very very special thanks to the winner.  Ohhhh… you want to know who won?  It’s a secret.  Ok… a hint: The name starts with an “A”.  OK… another hint: His comment is in reference to produce.  Oh Screw IT… It’s ADAM!!!!!!!!  With one hell of a sweet comment “Big.  Juicy.  Pickles“.  Adam… that’s just funny bro!  We wrote all of your names on sparkly lavender scented paper (because, oddly, that’s all Eggshell had at his house), cut them up into pretty little heart-shaped pieces and tossed them into a classic style Storm-Trooper helmet (oddly, also the only thing Eggshell had lying around to use).  After a couple of severe paper-cuts and an incident involving PaysteeWhite and the last ever Four Loko… Adam’s name came magically floating out of the helmet and gracefully landed on top of Eggshell’s Wampa from Hoth livingroom rug (I’ve learned not to ask anymore).  Once we all stopped giggling with joy… we looked, and our newest bestest friend Adam reigned victorious!!!  (Insert Cheers Here)

Hey… haters, don’t hate!  We love to dote upon all of you, and as time goes on… you will all have a chance to get something great!

Okay, that time is now!  The dope cats at Sanuk were awesome-sauce enough to not just give us the cool gear I mentioned in our 1000th post.  Nope, they actually gave us a few additional pieces of Sanukery to give out for a couple of runners-up!!!  So (Yup, you guessed it) we drew a couple of additional names!!!  (Insert more cheers here).

AStorm, Johnny & Danyale will all get a silky smooth nipple-hardening T-Shirt and a few other fun things… to wear everyday, without bathing, in remembrance of the day they touched greatness.

There you have it my awesome friends of the White Glossy Underground Board.  We made it to 1,000… and we all did it together!!!  I can’t wait to see what we can come up with next!