If you’ve paid even half-attention to what we’ve been blah-blah’ing about over the past 2 years you probably noticed that we are quite fond of a speaker company named Audyssey (You can find past Reviews of their amazing gear HERE).  They create some of the best audio speakers we’ve ever had the happenstance to wander across… and they tickle our audiophile bone with a tremendous force.

In one of our more recent endeavors we told you about their move from Media Center / Living-Room Audio juggernaut to beloved desktop speaker (Feel free to remember along with us HERE).  Well… I think we can honestly say that the brilliant audio-nerds (said with the greatest of bromantic loves) at Audyssey never just roll into work and play Angry Birds all day.  Nope… these guys drop brilliance on our laps, then go into work the next day trying to figure out how they can make it better.  And they have yet again… Introducing Audyssey Wireless Speakers ($299)…

All of the brilliance and masterminded power behind the Lower East Side media speakerand Wireless!  Yes… WIRELESS!!!  Kick clutter and all of that disorganized desk-mess in the ass with the best damn desktop speakers we’ve EVER heard… made wireless!!!  Dudes… I have to admit, I’m a little giddy over the idea of these speakers finally being wished into existence by nerds and audiophiles alike.  There is a definite Wow-Factor behind the sound design in Audyssey speakers… and I, for one, am stoked they’ve taken it to the next level (AGAIN!).

Here’s a quick blurb from the speakers page… and a fun little video to tell us all about it.  Yay Audyssey!

A new class of desktop wireless.

Our Wireless Speakers offer freedom, ease and great sound with the help of Bluetooth® wireless technology. You get all the clarity and power of Audyssey EQ, Dynamic EQ and BassXT. You just lose the wires.

