When it comes to running, there are two very important factors to keep in mind… the shoes, and the clothes.  Regarding your attire: Breathability, relaxed fit, comfort & light fabrics are all worth more than a fleeting thought… it can be the make-or-break to a great run.  For this we went to a place often overlooked in favor of your name brands (Nike, Adidas, New Balance, etc), we went to a location where most of you spend a great deal of your income and shopping time, we went to Target!  And we went there for the incredibly affordable, but surprisingly versatile, active wear “C9 by Champion”.  So there’s the set-up… for the actual review I’ll bow to the man who put it on and ran mile after mile after mile in the digs themself.

Heeeeerrrrrrreeeeeeessssss PAYSTEE:

Shorts: The shorts make me feel as fast as Richard Simmons after 2 Mojito’s.  But it is tough to run with a semi due to the soft elasticity caressing my pale thighs with each stride.  I love that this is the last of a few brands that just have running shorts without the entangled web inserted for your crotch.  I can’t stand the running shorts where they put the makeshift underwear in there for you. Don’t assume I don’t wear underwear while running you sick f*cks from a company whose name is not American unlike CHAMPION!!!!!
Shirt: My nipples haven’t bled since I’ve received this shirt.  It’s like they’ve hit menopause.  One of my new tops is bright red so I look like I’m on fire when in full speed. No seams under the armpits which keep from chaffing.
Jacket: It’s the half zip style which is normal for running because we don’t like for our esophagus to get chilly.  Short neck which is nice so it’s not rubbing the sides of your neck which can become very annoying into a 2 hour run.

All of the Champion clothing is very breathable, very freakin’ comfortable as I often wear for more than just running.  To bed, the shower, chasing Boy Scouts and hobo’s away from the inner city, etc.   Best of all I am not sponsored, and even if you are a sponsored runner you still don’t make sh!t, so C9 by Champion is hands down the best for your money for running gear.  Marketed widely in all Targets so I can pick up something every weekend my wife hauls me into the crack for housewives superstore, or Tar-Jay as she so elegantly states it.