For those of you (like me) that require a little extra help seeing the world as it should be, there is a pretty badass new-ish company around to help make the tedious task of shopping for eyeglasses a little easier.  Warby Parker, describing themselves as…

A collaboration between four close friends, Warby Parker was conceived as an alternative to the overpriced and bland eyewear available today.

…is a pretty ingenious idea (Their complete story here), that I’m damned surprised took this long to come about.  However, I’m glad it didn’t because these guys really knock it out of the park.

In a nutshell… you go online, pick a few styles of glasses that you like (shown on regular human faces so you can pick a good overall head-shape), they will MAIL you the glasses to try on at home for free, you pick the one you like best, send the glasses back… with your choice, give them your prescription, they mail back your new set of specks.  Oh, and they retail around $95 (with all free shipping)!!  They had a tremendous response when they first kicked off the site and were on a bit of a backlog… but now have regained their footing and are back in action.

Absolutely worth a look… and in my opinion, worth trying out.  I am in need of a new set, and have just completed the online registration to get my trial pairs. I’m excited about the concept, and have no doubt that they will follow through.

Plus, to make them even more amazing they’ve created the “Buy a Pair/Give a pair” program:

Buy a Pair | Give a Pair: For every pair of glasses you buy, we give a pair to someone in need.

Viva La Warby Parker!!!

PS – Yes, the picture above says “Monocle”