The sneaky devils at (story by Editor-in-Chief Jeremy Horwitz), with all of their investigative journalism skillz, have unearthed the mother-load of new information… a grip of iNews!  iPad, iPhone, iPod, ietc… here’s what they found (in their words mostly… my version would have way too many cuss words):

1. New iPods. Apple apparently has three new iPods ready to go as early as this month, or as late as September. One is the new iPod nano, one is the new iPod touch, and the third one is a question mark, but may be a small (1.7”) touchscreen replacement for the iPod shuffle. There’s also continued chatter about a three-inch touchscreen that could make its way into an iPod, shaving half an inch off the diagonal of the current iPod touch.

My thoughts… iPods are still a great tool for marathon running, exercising and whatever else it is those healthy bastards do when getting fit.  But I just roll with the iPhone which has both.

2. New iPad. A seven-inch-screened version of the iPad is substantially finished and will be ready for announcement either later this year or early in 2011. Apple has been prototyping devices with screens of this size for a long time—quite possibly predating the original iPhone.

My thoughts… Why?  Smaller juts means that much closer to the iPod Touch!

3. New iPhone. According to our source—and we have to say that we find this part hard to believe—Apple is pushing up the release date of the fifth-generation iPhone to early 2011 (as soon as January) because of the antenna issues with the iPhone 4. It’s unknown whether this will be a repackaging of iPhone 4 components in a different shell or something more substantial. We reiterate: it’s hard to believe. But as with so many seemingly far-fetched early reports, it’s not impossible.

My thoughts… fuck you Apple!  I just dropped a grip of dough on the iPhone 4!!!!  (see… cussing)

4. iPhone 4 Bumpers, Generations 0 and 2. To reduce the cost of the current iPhone 4 Case Program, the company is currently working on a less expensive all-silicone version of the Bumper to give away after September. Our source says that the original, unreleased version of Bumper had more hard plastic than the final version, and claims that Apple was considering giving Bumpers away with every iPhone 4 before deciding to take its chances with the bare device. The question is whether the Bumpers were originally intended for glass protection or antenna coverage, and why Apple developed them in the first place.

Excited?  Kind of.  I am now, and will always be, a huge fan of Apple… but am growing slightly weary of the constant barrage of new products.  I’d love the existing stuff to simmer for a little longer before they come out with the new and greatly improved replacement.