Today’s Hollywood Crack not only threw us a little… but equally pissed us off!  check out today’s News…

Joaquin Phoenix: That wonderfully dramatic and captivating actor who publicly took a nose-dive into drugs, alcohol & rap music made a major announcement yesterday.  Well, I should say that Casey Affleck… the director of Phoenix’s Documentary “I’m Still Here” (talked about here) made an announcement.  The entire thing was a freakin hoax!!! Yeah… that thing on Letterman, a damn joke (although Letterman was not involved in the joke and was his brilliant self).  A 2-year real-life piece of “Performance Art” that, in our opinion, was a huge risk to his legitimate acting career.  Funny thing is that now we’d actually like to see the Mockumentary a little bit… see how great his acting chops really are.   The New York Times has a very detailed story talking about all of the twists and turns both Affleck & Phoenix went through to pull this off successfully, and the risks involved.  A decent read!  Check it out HERE