Who loves your feet?  SANUK DOES!!!!  Who loves making you happy?  SANUK DOES!!!!  Who loves making completely awesome music videos with streakers to talk about their uhhhmazing new line of “shoes” also called StreakersSANUK DOES!!!  You HAVE to check it out now… and that can be done HERE (or, ummm, below):

[vimeo http://vimeo.com/23170152 w=600&h=450]

About the Streaker sidewalk surfer… absolutely check it out on the Sanuk site HERE.  Also, put on your big-boy britches and hold on tight because we are going to test the hellz outta one of these bad-boys very, very soon.  Yeah, I’m stoked too!!!!  For our other Sanukery reviews check it out HERE.

UPDATE: The Review is in… check it out HERE