And we bring the pain…Nevermind.  Internet Explorer 9 hit the web today and it is bringing Apps to Windows 7. 


Today, the company launched Internet Explorer 9, its latest browser iteration, which fully embraces HTML5. Boiled down, HTML5 is the next version of HTML, the backbone of Internet–that is, the predominant computer language developers use to build Web pages. It boasts incredibly strong media playback and modern Web standards. Many–including Apple–believe it could one day replace Adobe Flash. But for Microsoft, it has become a vehicle for migrating apps to the PC.

When IE9 officially launches later today, it will do so along with a slew of partners. Thanks to the power of HTML5, many of these partners from Amazon to CNN are taking advantage of IE9’s optimized platform to create immersive app-like experiences. Rather than opening IE9 and punching in an address, users may soon be pinning these “apps” to their taskbar. Redbull, for instance, will offer an interactive social media page complete with music and video. IMDB’s app will show off high-def trailers, only now possible in HTML5 with IE9. And Amazon has created a page that feels like a virtual bookstore, with access to daily deals and other features through Windows 7’s jump-lists.

We think this is a really cool step for web browsing, since it will allow you to instantly go to sites without having to open your browser every time.  And it could save you all of 5 seconds every time.  Over a lifetime, you might actually get five or ten minutes to do something else.  Like read our board.

Find more info here.  The dowload will be available later today for you to check out.