It seems like we are always talking about fitness at the WGUB (shut-up… yes we are!)… whether it’s our morning push-up contest in the hall, the cool new “stuff” we find that helps give you a little advantage over the other guys, or overall sports in general (Yes, Madden 2011 counts).

Well, for once we are going to put our money where our fingertips are… we are officially sponsoring our very first runner in the L.A. Marathon!!!! (insert cheers and confetti here)  The selection process was rigorous… who could we possibly find that represented awesomeness, excellent character, intense nipple friction protection and the overall attitude that could reflect the WGUB in all of it’s glory.  After several seconds of strenuous searching we found this guy:

It was love at first sight!  Who else can pop a double Fonzarelli in the middle of a 26 mile run with such enthusiasm?

Of course we have no freakin idea who this guy is (if you know him please let us know… he seems pretty dope).  So, instead we are putting Crazy Uncle PaysteeWhite out there instead.  He is by far the best candidate we know, and he’s not only willing to throw himself down a 26 miles painfest… but he’ll write about the training process and all of the fun behind it (He hasn’t yet… but I’m waiting for him to crap himself around mile 20).

So that’s it… we are officially in the L.A. Marathon, and so excited to see our Paystee boy do a little running!!!!