We use Twitter for essentially one thing at the WGUB… for those moments in life when you’re bored, and a little lonely, and want something to laugh at.  90% of the people we follow are comedians who poke fun at the simple things in life, which is exactly what we love to do most!

Now, John Mayer deleting his account and leaving twitter… we will say it’s a bummer.  Why?  Because that cat is actually a hella funny dude.  Whatever the situation, he generally turned it into something worth laughing over.  Should the world be heartbroken because he left?  Are you freakin serious?  The man is a seriously gifted musician and smokin-hot celebrity girl dater… not the modern reincarnation of Dean-o.  His time should be spent crafting the next spine-tingling love fest and dating Eva Mendes or Jessica Alba.

So, go grab a bottle of your favorite “Tasty Libation” crank up your stereo and let Mr. Mayer slide your soul into ecstasy.  Seinfeld is on 7 nights a week if you need a laugh!