We caught wind of this little gem today.  San Francisco city officials recently banned restaurants from giving away toys in meals that are high in fat and sugar.  Thus knocking the Kids meal from the McDonald’s menu. 

“We’re part of a movement that is moving forward an agenda of food justice,” said Supervisor Eric Mar, who sponsored the measure. “From San Francisco to New York City, the epidemic of childhood obesity in this country is making our kids sick, particularly kids from low-income neighborhoods, at an alarming rate. It’s a survival issue and a day-to-day issue.”
Under the new ordinance, restaurants may include a toy if the meal comes in under 600 calories and 35% fat.  It goes into effect in December of 2011.
We are all for people leading a more healthy lifestyle in this country.  But dammit, those toys were the only reason why we ever wanted to go to McDonald’s as kids.  Guess we are glad we don’t live in San Francisco at the current moment.  We might have to explain the political landscape to our four-year old.
For more, check here.