We are sure that you all noticed and so did we, but we celebrated a milestone late last week with us being in existence for a month!  Which really only means a few things.  We have probably spent more time online than anyone over the last month searching and scheming our way to the best deals and coolest products.  More importantly, we haven’t run out of things to write about yet.  As long as there is something cool out there, we will try to find it for you.

But in our true fashion, we wanted to offer our thanks to all our fans and followers out there in cyber land.  Without you checking out the page, offering suggestions, and participating in our demands to spread our word we would just be writing this page for ourselves.  And as much as we like talking to ourselves, it’s always nice when someone else gets something out of it.

Stay tuned for more exciting stuff.  We are working on some new and cool things to help spread the WGUB, and of course we may just need your help for it at some point!