Here is a fun little message I received from Paystee this weekend.

Hey dude guess what I just did? Naw eff that I didn’t go to church. I ran 18 miles. Similar to church because I was speaking to god around mile 14 and I would have rather been going down on an altar boy. Best part about blowing an altar boy….I mean running 18….is your body becomes a human margarita. You see for those of you who don’t run, don’t start, salt seeps out of your pores covering your forehead, temple, upper lip, arms and balls. Actual salt. All you have to do is pour tequila on top of your head and charge a ridiculous amount to naive sorority girls or middle-agedĀ divorcees to lick you. That’s why after a long run you’re craving and body is in need of salts/electrolytes (no not a word made up in Tron). So I just killed a bag of salt and vinegar chips. Water sucks after a run. Beer is actually more replenishing says me. Here I come LA marathon, sorority row and PTA meetings!