We’ve made it no secret of our love of this little device put out by Roku.  Their Netflix box is one of the sweetest gadgets around.   We own em, we love em.

Roku is stepping up its game with some revisions to its product line in advance of the new Apple TV (check out our story here) that is due to come out this fall.  Roku is slimming down their product line to be more in line of the size of the new Apple TV, not that their products needed much slimming down in the first place.

All about the options, they are providing three revised products for you to choose from.  But even at 99 dollars, the top end player is still a great value in itself.  Top new feature on the new XDS model is a USB side input where you can stream your media through the box.  You can do this through Apple TV, but it has to be done over your network.   The XDS comes with dual band technology which only makes the wireless connection that much better.

A revised remote is included with the revised boxes as well and looks to be much slimmer and easier on the hand.  Included on the remote is the much missed skip back button.

What again makes these boxes so cool is the channels. (Story Here) It makes them unique and something that still has a place in your home entertainment.  They are great on a second TV because of their size.  Perfect for laying in bed and catching up on your Dexter.

For more pictures showing this svelte new player, check them out here.