Something about this movie franchise has always had a soft spot in our hearts.  Yeah, it is gory beyond gory.  There is no denying that.  The plots are a little predictable at times too.  And by the time you get to the seventh one in the series, you ask yourself just how much more can they push the envelope?  Well by making it 3D of course. 

Set to release October 29th the final installment of the Jigsaw movies will surely raise the bar again in the horror genre.  Filmed in true 3D and not converted to 3D in post production, this movie should make for out of this world gore.  Tobin Bell reprises his role as Jigsaw, even though he has been dead for the last four movies.  Something about his unassuming way that makes him the perfect psychopath. 

More info can be found here.  Or check out the trailer below.
