It’s officially Springtime (according to the WhiteGlossy calendar) and that means getting our fat asses outside to burn off our winter fat.  That also means you’re going to need a few things… maybe some new running shoes… possibly some new work-out gear… and it ABSOLUTELY means a fresh new playlist to burn those calories to.

But who?  What artist or group has reared its head since we went into hibernation?  Who is worthy of holding our hand through the next couple months of intense fat melting?  How the hell am I supposed to know!?!?  For issues of the soul inspiring beat I turn to one of the best… I turn to  And, as usual, fate has stepped in.  Just today Spin dropped the 411 on a bunch of new albums hitting speakers and headphones all over the world.  What’s worthy of your hard-earned cash… and what’s a monumental waste of your time?  Spin breaks it down for you… so you know what’s up.

Check it all out riiiiiiiiiiiight HERE.

And we wouldn’t be totally awesome if we didn’t give you another option (Duh!)… also check out these same albums, and many more, reviewed by people who know a hella lot more than me at Rollin Stone Magazine HERE.

And let us know if you have any new favs that were missed.  We’d be happy to give them a listen and report.  Peace!