In case you missed it, here are the top 5 most read posts over the past 7 days.  If you read it… many thanks!!!  If not… where the hell were you?  Thank you for the great week, now go home and get drunk!

Here they are… all of your top 5, in order of popularity:

  1. Datemate App = Douchebaggery Greatness
  2. Movie Review Before I See it: “Scott Pilgrim vs the World”
  3. Shanks for the Memories
  4. What’s Blu this week…
  5. Steven Tyler on American Idol

However, the most visited page for our site was the homepage… which means you are all reading (thank you!) just not always clicking through to the story page.  Keep in mind WGUBers that there is usually more to the story and sometimes even great pictures on the story page.  We even like to through golden eggs in there from time-to-time for fun.