Twitter is one of our favorite places for a quick laugh or to blow off a little mental steam over lunch. For a long time we’ve been following a crazy-funny bro from L.A. named Chris D’Elia (@chrisdelia)… and we suggest you check him out too!
Why? Do you really still have to ask? Check out some of his twitts… twitters… tweets… whateverthehellyoucallit, check him out:
A chick with two really great boobs is the same as a dude with two really great houses.
Paris Hilton’s vagina has been through so much that when you have sex with her you can check in on Foursquare.
When that girl in “The Last Exorcism” trailer is on the floor and jerks her neck to the side quickly it is 100% acceptable to shit yourself.
Did you know if you are 22 and engaged to a super rich dude that’s in his 50s that you are a prostitute? Seriously. Look it up on Wikipedia.
Got a new definition for dudes that think they’re cool but aren’t. They’re now called “Catchyalaters”. So, who’s your favorite Catchyalater?
You can follow him HERE