The app Foursquare is famous for letting you check in with your friends.  Be it at the mall, your favorite restaurant,or the gym.  Now through this app you can earn a true badge of honor, the STD test.

Foursquare is teaming up with MTV in their GYT: Get Yourself Tested campaign to encourage more people to get tested for STD’s.  By taking care of business, you earn a digital merit badge stating you have been tested. What better pick up line then to be able to flash the Iphone and say “Look Baby, I’m clean.” 

Well, if you didn’t get enough satisfaction out of that weekend in Tijuana, you can get a little more with this badge of honor showing that you took time to make sure that weekend doesn’t come back to haunt you.   Offer runs through September, so run out today. 

Thanks to USAToday for the heads up!